Odense Congress Center

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Veranstaltungen an diesem veranstaltungsort

Digitaliseringsmessen 2024

Odense Congress Center Ørbækvej 350, Odense SØ, Denmark

At the Digitaliseringsmessen we will get the latest and greatest in public digitization in Denmark. At this yearly event, that attracts around 2000 people, you can meet people from municipalities, regions, the state and the supplier market from all over Denmark.

Digitalisieringsmessen 2023

Odense Congress Center Ørbækvej 350, Odense SØ, Denmark

The Digitalization Fair is Denmark's largest event for public digitization. The event attracts aprox. 2,000 people from municipalities, regions, the state, and the supplier market. The fair displays all aspects of digitization and gives the participants a great deal of insight into current private and public IT solutions and projects that can support and streamline...