Hypergate’s Newest Addition

Hypergate Authenticator was the first product launched by Hypergate. Throughout the past two years we have seen the immense impact our product made. During our conversations the need crystallized for a mobile application, as slick and secure as Hypergate, allowing secure access to on-premise files with outstanding usability. We are proud to introduce Hypergate Files.

Hypergate Files provides seamless access to on-premise network shares. It lets you collaborate freely with your team and enables you to edit all files directly on your mobile devices.

Product overview

Imagine needing to access a file on the go. Currently there are various solutions that offer the claimed functionality, unfortunately all of them have drawbacks. Some need additional backend components, some do not integrate into the existing user management and many of them build on proprietary and therefore very limited file editors or viewers. That’s why Hypergate Files was born.
Hypergate Files leverages the mobile operating systems existing file browser to have the best user experience possible, while using existing apps familiar from everyday use. Word documents open in Microsoft Word, PDFs in Adobe Viewer, Images in your prefered Picture Viewer and even more advanced formats such as CAD files will open without any problems.
Hypergate Files also integrates with the most common file sharing protocol SMB/CIFS which as an example perfectly integrates into Microsoft Sharepoint.

See how easy and seamless Hypergate Files works:

The three main advantages from Hypergate Files are: 

  1. User Experience

    Use your devices native standard file browser which is deeply integrated into the system and therefore most intuitive solution possible.


  2. Reduce Cost

    Through the increased usability, users are able to work on the go, increase productivity while using already existing and proven infrastructure and protocols. No additional servers are required and since SMB is an industry Standard, skills about managing access rights are already in place.


  3. Compatibility

    Because of the way Hypergate Files is implemented, it is compatible with all file formats that have an existing viewer or editor available on the mobile operating system. There is no dependency on the Hypergate team to add support for your specific use case. Hypergate Files is lightweight and was specifically developed for Android Enterprise. The iOS Version is currently under development and will be available in Q2 2020.

To summarize:

  • Utilises existing Infrastructure (SMB/CIFS) provides the best possible user experience
  • Integrates into the system file picker, therefore files can be accessed from apps like Gmail, Outlook etc. without the need to switch apps
  • Cost effective by not relying on infrastructure changes 
  • All file types supported – docx, xlsx, pdf, video, psd, etc. through the use of their native applications like Microsoft Word, Excel etc.
  • Access on-premise data securely on your mobile phone with the same file permissions
  • EMM agnostic
  • Android device agnostic (Samsung and Android Enterprise capable devices)
  • Available as standalone or fully Hypergate Authenticator enabled solution
  • Integrates into all solutions that offer SMB like Microsoft Sharepoint

Do you want to see a live Demo of the Hypergate products?

You can book a slot with our staff during MWC 2020, so we can get some 1 on 1 time and discuss how Hypergate can help you.

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