Android Enterprise is lacking an important feature

There has been a lot going on in the Android enterprise world in the last year. In 2019 the already depreciated device administrator method for device management will disappear and hence a shift to the newer (and better) Android Enterprise device management is unavoidable.

But first of all: What are the advantages of Android Enterprise?

Google has reduced fragmentation by delivering a set of management capabilities across all Android devices. Further, Android Enterprise is specifically made for bring-your-own-device (BYOD), corporate-owned and dedicated device modes. Allowing every company to choose the perfect phone for their needs.

All together this is a big step forward. But Android Enterprise is lacking an important feature which used to work with EMM Proprietary solutions on Device Admin:

  • Kerberos based Single Sign-on (SSO)
    or Kerberos Constrained Delegation.

The Solution

Papers, a Swiss software company with mobile security focus, has created a cross-EMM solution, called Hypergate. Hypergate closes the Kerberos Single Sign-On gap on Android Enterprise and allows you to run a holistic BYOD strategy with no negative impact on security or infrastructure.

The app is focused on security and easy to integrate. This means peace of mind for your company’s data and no big investments to change the existing infrastructure. Since Hypergate uses the standard Android Accounts API, native applications like Chrome work out of the box. Furthermore staying with the standard means that introducing Hypergate won’t mean a lock in of any kind. Internal applications not using the standard Android Accounts API can easily provide SSO with the Hypergate SDK. The SDK supports Android native, Cordova, Xamarin and React Native.

Primary Target

Since Hypergate’s primary target is to make your employees as efficient as possible, Single-Sign On can even be achieved without user interaction. The application supports certificate-based authentication to a Key-Distribution Center. It allows a hassle-free authentication to services and lets users consume the services they need on the go. That saves time and keeps the great Android user-experience they’re used to.

The Hypergate system is compatible with all major Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) solutions, such as MobileIron, AirWatch and XenMobile. The application is customizable and IT admins will just love it.

In short, it provides what Android Enterprise is lacking and what iOS was providing since iOS v7: An comfortable SSO configuration for your apps. Allowing you to run a true holistic BYOD strategy.

And for those you, who wish to see a live demo, we recommend you to sign up for the upcoming Webinar: on the 18.01.2019

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