Kerberos SSO and SMB File Access for your MDM

Hypergate Authenticator and Hypergate Files provide essential functionalities for enterprise environments, such as on-premise Single Sign-On (SSO) with Kerberos and secure file access through SMB/CIFS protocols. Designed to work with any MDM/UEM capable of applying managed configurations, these solutions require no additional servers or middleware, offering significant flexibility and ease of integration.

Why this matters

Single Sign-On (SSO): Hypergate Authenticator enables on-premise SSO using Kerberos, allowing users to securely authenticate across enterprise applications without needing to re-enter credentials multiple times. This not only enhances security but also significantly improves user productivity by reducing login hassles.

Secure File Access: Hypergate Files provides secure and efficient access to file shares via SMB 2 & 3. Users can access necessary documents and resources from their mobile devices, ensuring they have the information they need, whenever they need it. This functionality is crucial for maintaining productivity in a mobile workforce.

Flexibility to Transition: Hypergate allows organizations to transition smoothly between different MDM/UEM solutions as their needs evolve, ensuring continuity and minimizing disruptions.

Unified Management: Hypergate enables the integration of different MDM/UEM setups into a single cohesive system. This is particularly beneficial for enterprises with diverse device fleets and varied management deployments across departments or regions.

Client-Only Solutions: Both Hypergate Authenticator and Hypergate Files are client-only solutions, meaning no additional servers or middleware are required. This simplifies deployment and reduces the overall infrastructure footprint.

Key features of Hypergate’s solutions

Hypergate Authenticator

On-Premise SSO (Kerberos): Provides secure authentication across enterprise applications, reducing the need for multiple logins and enhancing user productivity.

SPNEGO Enabled: Automatically handles the authentication handshake, ensuring a smooth user experience.

SAML 2.0 and ADFS Compatible: Supports modern authentication standards, making it versatile and compatible with a wide range of enterprise applications.

Client-Only Solution: Requires no additional servers or middleware, simplifying deployment and maintenance.

Hypergate Files

SMB 2 & 3 Support: Offers secure and efficient access to file shares, ensuring users can access necessary documents and resources from their mobile devices.

iOS and Android Compatibility: Supports major mobile operating systems, ensuring a broad range of devices can benefit from its functionalities.

Client-Only Solution: Operates independently of additional server infrastructure, reducing complexity and costs.

How to leverage Hypergate’s solutions

To leverage Hypergate’s solutions, start by evaluating your current MDM/UEM setup to identify areas where Hypergate can enhance security and productivity. For Hypergate Authenticator, configure the app to sync with your existing Kerberos infrastructure by setting up your Kerberos realm and KDC information. For Hypergate Files, ensure your SMB/CIFS configurations align with your enterprise’s file access policies. Conduct thorough testing to ensure integration and functionality across different devices and management systems. Finally, provide training and resources to your users to maximize the benefits of SSO and secure file access, highlighting the improved user experience and security enhancements.


Single Sign-On (SSO) and secure file access are critical functionalities for any enterprise. Hypergate Authenticator and Hypergate Files empower organizations by providing these essential features while also offering the flexibility to choose their MDM/UEM provider. As client-only solutions, they simplify deployment and reduce infrastructure complexity. By embracing Hypergate’s solutions, enterprises can ensure a flexible, secure, and future-proof mobile management strategy.

Empower your enterprise with the SSO and secure file access provided by Hypergate.

Explore more about our offerings or request a demo to find out how your organisation can benefit from Hypergate.

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